
Problem Solver Portfolio

I want to thank my past for gifting me diverse sets of problems to solve. It is what has led to me having this fantastic superpower! I am able to get to know each client personally, figure out what they need, and cater solutions just for them! 

Would you like us to see some examples?

Problem: Low Tiktok engagement

Solution: Utilizing market research, app-specific editing techniques, and social trends I was able to translate the creator’s unique brand into attention-grabbing short-form videos.

Project #1

Project #2

Problem: Increase ROI for a workshop

Solution: Due to space limitations the growth of this photographer's workshops was extremely limited. I was able to create, market and sell an online version of the workshop that we live streamed. We were able to pull in an additional $6k was.

Project #3

Problem: A brand new author needed ground up branding, and content strategy.

Solution: Based on her upcoming nordic inspired novel we created a brand and strategy for her feed to help draw in ideal readers

More content examples!

As I like to say… there is never enough content 😉

Are you ready to take the first step?

Let’s tackle those problems together! Click on that button to set up a consultation!