I’m Casey Johnson, the creature behind the Goblin Society. 


Being raised as an only child by a doting single father in the forests of Upstate New York shaped me into the chaos goblin that I am now. Much to the patriarchy’s chagrin he filled my head with messages of “you are perfect the way you are” and “you be whatever you want” and never once held my gender expression against me.

Add that upbringing to a Sagittarius Sun / Leo Moon / Sagittarius Rising, shake it up with a dose of unchecked amount of reading time and the world has been blessed with my overly confident, IDGAF self.

It wasn’t until I had children that it occurred to me this outlook was NOT typical. My herd of neurodiverse babies taught me so much about how societal expectations influence our everyday outlook and lives.

(It also led to an adult realization of auDHD, but that’s a story for another time.)

While searching for places my little family fit in, I stumbled upon forest schooling and spent almost a decade hyper-focused on how nature mirrors human life, and how it can be utilized as a natural tool for healing

Now it’s 2024 and all of my life/work experiences have led to this. The Goblin Society: A place where the weirdos, misfits, and chaos goblins can find acceptance and help with their branding, marketing, and creative projects.

Organic marketing has been a fascination of mine since I was a young teen.

Listen, I was an only child, I had weird interests ok?

Even when I was working the typical restaurant jobs of college students, I was pushing them to join in on farmer’s markets or to join social media. 

Slowly my interests in community building and social media have expanded and solidified into the methods I utilize today.

Step One:

The Audit! Let’s take a peek at what you already have out there in the world. Do you have a strong brand voice? Are your organic marketing roots deep and wide? Does your outward-facing social presence translate directly to what you offer? Whether it be a book, coaching services or handmade pottery authenticity matters to consumers. They are sick of gimmicks and false advertising. I shall dive into what you have and how it can be improved upon. 

Read more about the audit here.

Step Two:

Social Media Management is the action step. Now that we know what to improve upon, we can put a three-month timeline together and dive into getting your social media on point. Updated social profiles, consistent posting, and clear brand voice here we come

Read more about SMM here.

Step Three:

1:1 Consultation! Now that you have your social media consistent, the vibe is vibing, let’s move on to exciting projects.

Maybe we will throw a big community engagement event, or plan a crowdfunding campaign for your next book. The sky is the freaking limit and I am here with tailor-made plans to help you get it all done.

Read more about 1:1 Consulting here.

Now that you know a bit more about myself, and how I work, let’s schedule a free consultation to plan how we are going to get shit done and take over the world!