Social Media Management

A strong social media presence is the key to a healthy Organic Marketing strategy.

It is also one of the harder aspects of running a business.

With social media consistency is key and we all know small business owners don’t have time to stay on top of it. 


  • You are ready to get your work out into the world and increase your community's awareness of your brand. 

  • You want to create a cult following by sharing your authentic self and work through storytelling. 

  • You are hoping to make your social media more consistent, thought out, and effective.

  • ⚡️Digital Marketing Audit (savings of $199)

    ⚡️Social Strategy Plan (savings of $650)

    ⚡️1 Social Platform

    ⚡️1 static post / week

    ⚡️2 short-form videos / week

    ⚡️3 stories / week

    ⚡️Daily monitoring of community engagement (Mon-Fri)

    ⚡️Content Strategy Planning Bank

    ⚡️Monthly planning meeting

    ⚡️Monthly analytics report

  • $550 / month

  • ⚡️Digital Marketing Audit (savings of $199)

    ⚡️Social Strategy Plan (savings of $650)

    ⚡️1 Social Platform

    ⚡️2 static post / week

    ⚡️3 short-form videos / week

    ⚡️5 stories / week

    ⚡️Daily monitoring of community engagement (Mon-Fri)

    ⚡️Content Strategy Planning Bank

    ⚡️Monthly planning meeting

    ⚡️Monthly analytics report

  • $750 / month

✨All packages are customizable and subject to change.✨

  • ⚡️Digital Marketing Audit (savings of $199)

    ⚡️Social Strategy Plan (savings of $650)

    ⚡️1+ Social Platforms

    ⚡️2 static post / week

    ⚡️3 short-form videos / week

    ⚡️5 stories / week

    ⚡️Daily monitoring of community engagement (Mon-Fri)

    ⚡️Content Strategy Planning Bank

    ⚡️Monthly planning meeting

    ⚡️Monthly analytics report

    ⚡️2 Hours of Social Outreach per week

    ⚡️More detailed editing and/or content creation (customized per client)

  • $1150/month

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