Find Your Community

Is this not the reason we are all on these platforms anyways? We are looking for likeminded people to be SOCIAL with. Weather that leads to working with them or not, none of us are looking for any random human in the void that is the internet. We want to find our ✨people✨.

My people are:

✨ tired creatives

✨ indie authors

✨ artists who draw mushrooms

✨ friends who love my weirdness

✨ readers of romantasy

✨ fiber artists who love touching wool as much as myself

✨ silly little goblins

✨ the proudly queer and gender non conforming

✨ authentic storytellers

Basically give me all of the weirdos, I shall wrap them up in my homemade wool blankets and show them how to market their art to the right people. Now that hard part in finding your community is being honest with what you are looking for. Many times it feels easier to just fit in to what society dictates is popular. You really have to ask yourself if that will make you happy in the long term.

Instead, let’s get authentic. Be real. Be you. Even if it’s messy and imperfect. As that one wonderful sound on the clock app says “Say the weird thing, people are desperately seeking realness.”

What would your community look like?


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