The Secret to Consistent Posting

Consistently posting while retaining creative freedom can be extremely hard!

Posting on social media is TIME CONSUMING! It can be incredibly hard for creatives, neurodivergent people, or those who are working for themselves. We are just straight up too busy to take the time out of the day to post


The answer is batch-creating content when you’re in the mood!

Think of it like meal prepping- cut down on the time it takes to do all of the little processes by doing it all at once!

If you are constantly forcing your mind to be creative then you will burn out and quickly!

“but Casey, doesn’t this make posts inconsistent?

Nope because you are going to BATCH create when you are in the zone (using that hyper-focus to our advantage), and then schedule out the posts for later.

Batch creating and then scheduling content has been a game-changer for me, allowing me to honor my creative flow while staying consistent in sharing.

1️⃣ When I'm buzzing with inspiration I sit down and create all of my content for the next few weeks. Letting my mind hone in on just creating.

2️⃣ Then I hop onto Metricool and schedule out everything I created. There are tons of tools to do this, both ones that you have to pay for and the native scheduling within Meta and Instagram.

🌟That’s it!⭐️

When I am lacking in inspiration or need a little extra time to recharge, having content scheduled means I can create when I feel up to it and still keep my audience engaged.

🥁 Plus, it frees up mental space to focus on other tasks, such as book writing or working with clients. 🌈✨

Have you tried to batch-create or schedule content before? Did it help you be more consistent?


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